I have titled this “Virgin Cruisers”, because, although we
are on our fourth trawler and between us both, have traveled the waters of
Florida’s Gulf Coast, the East Coast and the English Channel and French
coastlines – we have never ventured this far – or cruised for this extended
period of time. And although we have enjoyed every nautical mile and every
exotic island along our route - we are truly “Virgins” in our zeal for these beautiful
Virgin Islands – Spanish, British and US! We are also virgins at the navigating
of these islands – and so are very careful and respectful of the tricky waters
– with deceptive depths due to water so clear, and reef and rocky prominences scattered
about as well as the famous Trade Winds that can be both delightful and cooling
natural “air conditioning” - or can kick up a strong wave chop and create
periodic squalls at any turn.
Yes – we do have a healthy respect for the sea – but we also
have great electronics and resources to teach us about the areas and anchorages
as we travel along and this has helped us to enjoy our travels without getting
into the danger that we know is possible – so far! As I’ve said before, we
subscribe to Chris Parker’s weather service, as well as weather grib files and numerous
other computer sites detailing weather, wind, waves, traversing anchorages and
locations of current security alerts. There is much out there – if you can get
internet – which we can’t always do – so we have the HF SSB radio for those
other times.
I can imagine us
returning here after hurricane season - when we have the luxury of time - to slowly
meander around and delight in exploring more of these beautiful anchorages and
moorings. For now- we have been on a mooring at Bitter End Yacht Club for a
week – waiting for that “weather window” to take us across Anegada Passage
(7000 feet deep water – open expanse) and like the Mona Passage it can be
tricky if the weather is not good. Unfortunately we won’t be stopping at
Anegada or some of the other islands along the way to Trinidad, as the weather
and some boat repairs have delayed our passage making south, and we are now
running short of time to complete the journey. 
But this area has supplied us
with many different locals to visit and explore – from BEYC with its 75 acre
complex and multiple restaurants and bars, to Saba Rock – a small rocky outcrop
having a nice bar, restaurant and hotel complex - and it is very posh and quite
busy – even in the “off season”. Biras Creek resort is also here and is very
beautiful and the famous “Fat Virgin Café” is right around the corner from us
and is really neat! They have recently completed a huge Super Yacht Club – YCCS
- boasting a fabulous huge dock space catering to an abundance of Super Yachts,
and a gorgeous complex – the buildings are beautiful! And then there’s Necker
Island and Mosquito Island – both being privately owned by Sir Richard Branson
– British entrepreneur and owner of – among many other companies -Virgin Records
and Virgin
Atlantic Airways and Virgin Galactic! Our daughter Bryony once worked for Branson and has met him personally, as he believes in being involved in the day to day running of his businesses to some extent. Sir Richard (not Cap) was in residence at Necker Island when we arrived at Bitter End, as he was hosting a summit for ecological protection of the Caribbean called “Caribbean Challenge”. We hoped to get a glance or chance meeting with this magnanimous entrepreneur, but alas – it was only to occur in our minds! We did get to be docked right next to his Mega-Cat – 105 foot catamaran called “Necker Belle” at the Bitter End – but still did not see the elusive Sir Branson…
When our weather window finally arrived – it was not a perfect one – but we decided to suffer some rough seas and winds so that we could continue down island towards our summer home –Trinidad. After Cap and I secured all the “stuff” and prepared her to make way, we slipped our mooring lines and motored out towards the red and green markers showing the inlet. Well – that’s as far as we got when Stonewall Jackson quit! It seems we still are getting air in the engine after all the work Cap has done at an attempted “fix”. In the course of thirty minutes – the engine quit four times and with our heads hung down, we limped back to a mooring ball and hooked back up. We planned on getting some more parts sent from Lehman to us so Cap could troubleshoot the problem and proceeded to wait for their arrival.
Atlantic Airways and Virgin Galactic! Our daughter Bryony once worked for Branson and has met him personally, as he believes in being involved in the day to day running of his businesses to some extent. Sir Richard (not Cap) was in residence at Necker Island when we arrived at Bitter End, as he was hosting a summit for ecological protection of the Caribbean called “Caribbean Challenge”. We hoped to get a glance or chance meeting with this magnanimous entrepreneur, but alas – it was only to occur in our minds! We did get to be docked right next to his Mega-Cat – 105 foot catamaran called “Necker Belle” at the Bitter End – but still did not see the elusive Sir Branson…
When our weather window finally arrived – it was not a perfect one – but we decided to suffer some rough seas and winds so that we could continue down island towards our summer home –Trinidad. After Cap and I secured all the “stuff” and prepared her to make way, we slipped our mooring lines and motored out towards the red and green markers showing the inlet. Well – that’s as far as we got when Stonewall Jackson quit! It seems we still are getting air in the engine after all the work Cap has done at an attempted “fix”. In the course of thirty minutes – the engine quit four times and with our heads hung down, we limped back to a mooring ball and hooked back up. We planned on getting some more parts sent from Lehman to us so Cap could troubleshoot the problem and proceeded to wait for their arrival.
We carried on having a great time exploring our surroundings
in the North Sound of Virgin Gorda, and were having heaps of fun traveling to
Gun Creek, finding a larger grocery store with better provisions, going to
Leverick Bay to see the Annual Poker Run, meeting and having drinks with some
wonderful residents who helped put it on; taking walks and hikes around the
area; going to Saba Rock for dinner – and just generally enjoying the cruising
life. The parts had yet to arrive – but we couldn’t really control that – so we
were okay waiting…..until our A/C quit one evening and upon inspection of
“Genny” found her to be overheated – paint “melting”; all the antifreeze gone
and a huge oil leak - leaving a “pond”
of black goo on our bilge floor! We both felt like crying and in the next few
days to come we experienced a whole spectrum of emotions just thinking and
communicating to the various service people about it. We took turns flying from
rage to self-pity to depression to defeat and then to hope – and round again to
rage and the whole track again! We were never on the same point of this invisible
continuum at the same time – therefore when I was sad, Cap tried to cheer me up
with a positive outlook and when he was sad and ready to call it all quits – I
bolstered his spirits with gentle reasoning. And so it went, until finally we
just became resigned to the facts – this is what’s happened – past tense – No
crying over spilt milk now – we’re just going to get this resolved – no matter
what it takes- no matter how long it takes. So here we are – waiting for Monday
and all the workmen to arrive to give us a hand to get the old girl’s sea legs
back and make our way for Trinidad as fast as we can……
The Bitter End Yacht Club |
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