(**DISCLOSURE! –This is an older blog that I didn’t post on
time – I have been remiss…I will try to catch up and get you on track with
where we currently are - which is in Culebra, Spanish Virgins today!)
We’re still in Trinidad, but we are planning on a short trip
back to Florida to visit friends and relatives ….and doctors and dentists…. I
have a list three pages long of what I would like to check on or get when we’re
back in the states. I was just getting used to substituting new Island foods
and products for long-loved USA ones…. I felt like a true islander. But tempted
with the lure of the familiar, my list is growing. I’m probably going to need a
small loan to purchase everything on the list, so I have started by saving
Trinidadian pennies.
The exchange rate is $6.25T / $1.00US! That makes 6
Trinidadian pennies equals one USA penny! Trinidad pennies are so
UN-valuable that locals just throw them away! When I first arrived here I kept
seeing all these pennies on the street. At first I picked up the ones with the
“heads” side up – for good luck. Then one day I went into Port of Spain with
some girlfriends and everywhere in the streets were pennies. Every time I came
out of a store and looked down – there were at least 6 – 10 pennies right there
on the ground! I just couldn’t ignore it anymore and started picking them up
and keeping them!
Walking to the bus in Trini |
Eccentric? …. Maybe…. But I have never been able to tolerate
waste, and this just perplexes me as to the sheer quantity of pennies that are
discarded on a daily basis. So I have started making it my mission to collect
them and I will see how many I can accumulate in the next month. My friend Ann Miller
(M/V Ann Louise) thinks I’m so funny, that she has taken to being the “Penny
Fairy” and scatters pennies along my dock when she takes her morning walk! She
can make fun – but Benjamin Franklin would have loved me, if he were still
The money exchange in the islands is one of the reasons you
needed to take math in school! Every time I shop, I have to do a mental
calculation of the cost of the item. At first I thought everything was so
expensive….a carton of milk is $12! (TT) “Wow – that’s a lot! - I think – then
I mentally divide by 6 and – whoa!.... It’s only two bucks US! When I go to the
local grocery store, I panic when it totals $180.00 (TT) – but then I realize
that’s only $30 bucks! I’m starting to
get used to it now – just when we’re planning on leaving! Then back to EC or
Euros – which are a whole different calculation! I could use my iPhone
calculator or my currency converter – but I think it’s really best to keep in
the habit of doing the mental arithmetic. After a year cruising and rarely
knowing what day it is, brain usage is becoming imperative!
We hear from other cruisers about which country is the best for
flying to different destinations. Luckily, we have learned that going to Europe
– especially the UK is less expensive from Tobago, and Trinidad is less
expensive than Grenada when returning to the US. Of course that’s always
changing… but it helps to hear from other cruisers experiences.
The latest catastrophe was with our Washer/Dryer unit. I was
giving Cap a haircut out on the dock and forgot to get his electric razor for
trimming – so I went back inside to get it and found smoke billowing out of our
laundry unit. “FIRE!!!!!!” I shouted to Cap, and he jumped up and ran
in. We thought our dryer was the problem. It was stopped mid-cycle and so for
the next hour we proceeded to clean out all the lint from the dryer hose. This
is no easy task as it is located in some big hole with a tiny door and you have
to be double-jointed and about 3 feet tall to get into it and reach the
hose. Of course this is a job that is
sure to cut and scratch Cap. He starts bleeding right away. This is what
happens with “jobs” on a boat. After we have every last shred of crap cleaned
out of the dryer, we gingerly turn the circuit breaker back on and turn on the
dryer …..And Lo and Behold! It works!
The two of us are jumping for joy – another problem – SOLVED! We go make
a cup of tea, as we are both exhausted. As I am sitting sipping my cuppa, I
remember I had wash in the machine too! I’d better go put it in the dryer…. But
when I open the washer, I find the load has stopped mid-cycle and the tub is
filled with water. I turn the dial back on and…..Nothing…. That’s when we
realize – it wasn’t the dryer – it was the washer that was smoking!
So I bail out the water and take the wash to the Laundromat.
We talk about it and look up numbers for repairmen – but after a little
research, we realize our washer/dryer is over 25 years old and that they no
longer even make the parts for it! We decide to avoid trying to repair a relic
and opt for scanning the internet to find a replacement.
Cap with W/ D at Customs |
removing the old W/D |
This takes about three days! Long story short – they don’t
make any of those units in the same size as our old one – and none will fit the
spot we have for a washer/dryer! When I try to commiserate with my sailboat
friends about this dilemma – they all look at me as if I had two heads! Most
sail boaters don’t have a washer or dryer and do their laundry in a bucket –
like the pioneer days! So no one is feeling very sorry for me…. Cap and I
finally find a separate washer and dryer that fit our existing space without
needing extensive carpentry, and immediately put an order in with Fanny at
Marine Warehouse, in hopes that they can get it on the next shipment, that
would arrive before we leave for the states.
Installing new W/D! |
Oh no – that would be too easy…. So it will arrive just when
we are away and who knows how that will work out…..I sure hope it doesn’t get
lost! We will have 3 days to get the thing installed and working, before we
have to leave the marina. This could go smoothly-or- it could be a complete
disaster – depending on ….luck!
Well - finally we've got our mojo back! The removal and install couldn't have gone smoother and we are so happy with this brand!
Voila! My beautiful new Ariston W/D! |
And my even more beautiful family! This was from our visit back to Florida last November 2013.
Granddaughter Grace, Daughter Lavinia |
Youngest Daughter Georgina and David |
Lavinia and Jennifer at Ringling |
Grandma with Hannah |
Eldest Daughter Jennifer and I at Ringling Museum |
Matthew, Cintia, Grandma and Hannah |
First Mate and Cap taking our walk in Miami |